It’s a lot like the Nova Prospekt chapter in Half-Life 2. Of course, you fight off evacuating Combine, too. Throughout six chapters, Gordon and the scientist escape the prison as it collapses around them. Your job is to rescue a fellow scientist held in a mountain prison called Rock 24.

It’s a one-off adventure starring Gordon Freeman.

While most of the Half-Life 2 mods new chunks of the timeline, Rock 24 doesn’t really connect to anything significant in the main story.

It was made by former professional level designers who applied their skills toward a pet project they clearly loved. Rock 24 probably gets my vote for the most underrated Half-Life 2 mod. Rock 24 - Henley Bailey and Richard Acherki It shows how preparing the same, old ingredients in a new way can yield interesting results. Minerva Metastasis is a textbook lesson in minimalistic game design. Even better, he mostly avoids the load times that have plagued every official Half-Life release. It’s short - three to four hours, so I don’t want to give too much away - but Foster manages to use the familiar tools of Half-Life 2 to create something that approaches the quality of an actual Valve product. At first, you get the sense that she is pushing you through a rat maze, but the game opens up as the player’s changing relationship with Minerva becomes the focal point. You play as a captured Combine soldier pitted against his comrades by a mysterious woman named Minerva. The entire game is a linear adventure that takes place on a tiny island, but despite its linearity, it feels like it’s happening in a real, dynamic space. The guy who made it, Adam Foster, was actually hired by Valve. Minerva Metastasis is probably the most popular and highly praised Half-Life 2 mod.